- Slut i Lager

An assortment of spices combined with the secrets of the Far West to the valleys of the South East.
You will enjoy the savory sweet taste of the roasted peppers, tomatoes and garlic complimented by a fresh snap ginger. Oh and dont forget the Carolina Reaper Pepper.
BAM! Your body, mind, and soul are engulfed by scorching heat and the floral taste of the hottest pepper in the world, the carolina reaper. Mystery solved.
Ingredienser: Rostad chili(rostad chili, vatten, salt, citronsyra(E330)), rostade tomater(tomater, tomat juice, salt, citronsyra(E330)), risvinsvinäger, carolina Reaper chili, lök, brunt socker, vitlök, sojasås, ingefära, salt vitpeppar, kryddor.
Näringsvärde per 100gr, Energi 0kj / 0KCAL, Fett 0gr varav mättat fett 0, kolhydrat 20gr, varav sockerarter 20gr, protein 0gr, salt 1,5gr
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An assortment of spices combined with the secrets of the Far West to the valleys of the South East.
You will enjoy the savory sweet taste of the roasted peppers, tomatoes and garlic complimented by a fresh snap ginger. Oh and dont forget the Carolina Reaper Pepper.
BAM! Your body, mind, and soul are engulfed by scorching heat and the floral taste of the hottest pepper in the world, the carolina reaper. Mystery solved.